
This is a list of notices from Gamer Hobo. If you have any questions please contact us at 1+ (661) 823-4376.

Policies are effective starting on July 6, 2023


     There are a number of competitive games played here at the Gamer Hobo. We know how great it feels to win a tournament and how it doesn’t always feel good to lose. We ask that you be a good sport about your games. We don’t like people being bad losers or even worse, poor winners. Please do not be rude or violent with others. If you get Violent we will ask you to leave and you may be banned from Gamer Hobo permanently. So please try to offer a ‘Good Game’ and a hand shake, instead of an inappropriate dialogue or hostility.

No Toxic Behavior

     Toxic behavior is defined as a person who expresses ongoing actions (verbally, physically, in writing/ text… etc.) to cause harm to other people or a person, either physically, mentally or both. People who spread negativity, stress, trauma to specifically cause harm, either openly or subtle to a person or group of people. 

  • In general, be respectful. This means no rude, mean, or harassing comments or behavior. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
  • Threats are forbidden! Threats are prohibited. People that are found doing this will be reported and kicked out of our servers, will be banned from our store and possibly be reported to the authorities.


     We live in a very political world. Please understand that people that are here at Gamer Hobo and our social media sites want to escape the stress of the political world and have fun. So leave politics out of our shop, social media and our events. 

Don’t Be “Click-ish”!

     A group(s) and or person(s) that pushes other people away from the activity being played, either by making it too complicated, difficult, hostile, or some other way. Doing such actions to keep people away from playing the game(s). Don’t do this, as this is strictly prohibited. Be nice. We all want a friendly gaming community.  

Interrupting Games & Tournaments

     If you’re not in the game or tournament don’t interrupt the game or tournament being played. People that are interruptive during games and tournaments will be asked to leave the area, or possibly the Store.  

Theft & Shoplifting

     Theft and shoplifting is illegal and strictly prohibited. Theft & shoplifting will be reported to the authorities and you will be banned from the Store. 

Loss Items

     Items missing/ loss may not be stolen, but misplaced. Here are a few things we recommend to help you find your item(s). 

What to do if you lost something

  1. Alert Staff of Gamer Hobo about lost item(s). We find lost item(s) from time to time. So please alert us so we may check our lost and found. 
  2. Create a post on the Gamer Hobo Discord in the “Lost-and-found” channel. Please state that you have lost an item(s). Don’t create a post stating that an item(s) were “stolen”. Doing so will make the search for these items more difficult. As people will start pointing fingers at each other. Instead of helping to find lost item(s).
  3. Check common areas, such as: your home, vehicle, personal bag, boxes … etc.
  4. Lost Cards: If you are missing a or multiple cards please check if cards are behind other cards in binders and sleeves. Cards may be misplaced in another binder or box.

Children Left Unattended 

     We highly encourage parents and guardians to spend time with their kid(s), other family members and friends. But for parents and guardians that decide to leave their kid(s) here, please note that we are not always watching what your kid(s) are doing. Although we work very hard to keep a “Family Friendly ” environment, we can not be held liable for everyone’s interactions. If you decide to leave your kids here please be sure to leave contact info! Parents & guardians are required to leave contact information with staff if they intend to leave a child under 18. Children 14 years and under must have a guardian present. Please speak with staff if you have any questions.

Language Notice

     We try to keep a PG-13 environment here at Gamer Hobo. There are bad words that come out from time to time. We ask our customers to be kind and please be respectful of others, especially customers with their families and children. 

     On our social media sites, such as our Discord channel; no derogatory language towards any user. Swearing is permitted in casual channels only (again, please keep it PG-13), while the official main channels should be kept free of any profane language. If there are any concerns, please speak with staff.

No Alcohol

     Alcohol is strictly prohibited.  

Return & Refunds 

     All purchases are final. We do not accept returns. Please speak with staff if there are any questions or concerns. 

Notice for New Game Masters, Storytellers & Dungeon Masters

     We like to encourage new games being played here at the Gamer Hobo. If you have a Game you would like to regularly run here at the Gamer Hobo, we can arrange to have a place ready for you. If you have 2 or more interested players, we will set you up with your own table for play space. If you regularly run your games, we will also advertise your event in our weekly post, start a thread for you on the Discord server, and give you a 10% in store discount (with some restrictions). Please speak with staff for more details, and we will put the word out if you are looking for players.

Communicating With Your Game Master, Players and Gamer Hobo About Your Availability 

     Alert your Game master of your situation, such as that you can’t come to the game or you are leaving the game completely. Game Masters take a lot of time to make their games happen. Not letting them know that you can’t come or leaving is disrespectful and disheartening. Don’t let your Game Master be the only one at the table! Please notify them!

     This rule also goes for Game Masters toward their players that are attending their game. Game Masters need to communicate with their players if they can’t come or that they are ending the game. Don’t let your player(s) wait for you at the table when you’re not coming. Again, this is disrespectful and disheartening.

     If there are any changes to date and time for the game please let players, and the Game Master know, as well as Gamer Hobo. Gamer Hobo needs to know date(s) and time(s) for games being played so we make sure that there is a table(s) ready.

Not Attending The Games That You Joined or Create

    For Game Master and players – Notify your party that you are leaving or ending the game. 

When player(s) are not attending the game:

     We suggest that when player(s) do not attend a weekly campaign for a whole month, it is to remove them from the game (temporarily or permanently; at Game Masters discretion). So the game can continue smoothly and open the game up for new players to join. But, this is a decision made by the Game Master. 

When Game Master(s) consistently don’t run their games:

    Notify Gamer Hobo, if we are not already aware. We will get in contact, if possible, with the Game Master about their game. Depending on the situation this may lead the game to be canceled for a period of time or permanently.    

Buy, Sell & Trade Policy

     All purchases are final here at Gamer Hobo. But we do currently allow our community members to buy, sell and trade “Single’s” or “Open Pack” collectable game items IN-STORE, with some conditions but not limited to: 

  1. Do not swindle unwitting or inexperienced players out of trades or sales. Sellers must also understand that items purchased or traded in bulk, may be made at a reduced rate. 
  2. Don’t sell or trade fake or counterfeit game items to someone as if they were legitimate. This can get you permanently banned from the community. 
  3.  No bullying or harassment of others over trades and sales. 
  4. Do NOT bring new release product(s) and new product(s) from other competing stores. Bringing and or opening these product(s) will potentially get a person(s) banned temporarily or permanently.
  5. No sponging. Please see our “no sponging” policy.

     All trades and sales are between community members and not Gamer Hobo. Gamer Hobo is not liable for any trades or sales made between community members. 

     Remember that we all want to keep hanging out together in the community and have fun together. So be considerate of others!

No Sponging

What is sponging? Sponging is when someone obtains or accepts item(s); such as food, money, games, and other item(s) from other people, without doing or intending to do anything in return. Continuously taking from others. Some people call this “mooching”. Example, but not limited to: accepting trades without trading something back to person(s) in return. This makes it uncomfortable for people to come in with their games and other items.

We Take Photos for our Social Media

     We take photos of events and games played for our social media. We completely understand if anyone feels uncomfortable. Please let us, staff of Gamer Hobo know and we will not take a photo of you. 

Placing Item(s) on Hold for Purchase & Prepaid Item(s)

     Gamer Hobo will hold some non-prepaid item(s) on hold up to a week (other restrictions may apply). Prepaid items must be picked up within a month. Items that are not picked up by this time will be put out for sale and a refund may or may not be made; depending on the item(s) and situation. Please speak with staff for more details. With exclusions for some Items. 

Completing Tournament(s) and Game(s)

     Once a participant decides to join a tournament, please complete the tournament to the end. It’s disappointing to the other participants when you ‘drop out’ of a tournament.. 

     We understand if an emergency has happened and you need to leave. Please inform, if possible, the judge for that tournament or a staff member at Gamer Hobo, that you have to leave due to an emergency. So we can, a) help you if we possibly can, and b) adjust the tournament so it may continue smoothly.

     If you feel the need to leave due to a participant(s) that are going against any of Gamer Hobo’s policies, please inform the judge and staff of Gamer Hobo. We will ask the person(s) to respect our policies or they will be asked to leave.

     If a participant(s) drops out of multiple tournaments and goes against other Gamer Hobo’s policies; the participant(s) will be asked not to sign up for future tournaments. If participant(s) have a reasonable reason and in good standing with the community this can possibly be waived. This decision will be made by Gamer Hobo.

    Again, we ask everyone here at Gamer Hobo to please be respectful and courteous of others. We all want to have fun.  


     We have a lot of activities here at Gamer Hobo and our guests stay for long periods of time to play games. Guest(s) with poor hygiene makes it difficult for other people to hangout and do activities. We ask everyone to please have good hygiene so everyone can continue to have fun. 

No Pornographic/ Adult/ Other NSFW (Not Safe For Work) Material

     Gamer Hobo is a Family Friendly Environment. We are asking that people share No Pornographic/ Adult/ Other NSFW (Not Safe For Work) Material here! This is not allowed on Gamer Hobo’s premises and our social media pages and sites. 

Don’t Share Pirated or Illegal Content

     Sharing links to pirated or illegal content, such as copyrighted material or stolen software or products is prohibited. Any person(s) doing this in store, at Gamer Hobo events or social media servers will be potentially banned from Gamer Hobo. We will report activities, if done through our servers, to the host site in which servers were created. This may result in banning person(s) from the server/ website. 

Don’t Share Your Personal Information

     Don’t share your or another person(s) personal information without their consent. This includes addresses, phone numbers, and other sensitive information.

Do NOT Share Or Distribute Illegal Drugs Or Controlled Substances

     Sharing or distributing illegal drugs or controlled substances is strictly prohibited.

Don’t Share or Distribute Malicious Software or Viruses

    Sharing and distributing Malicious Software or Viruses is strictly prohibited. 

No Server Raiding

     Server raiding is prohibited and those that do this will be reported and can be permanently banned from server(s). 

No Advertisements of Other Competing Stores and Websites 

     Do not advertise activities, products or anything else of competing stores or websites. If other stores and websites that want to do a special activity, please contact Gamer Hobo owners. 


Accepting our policies

     Your presence in Gamer Hobo’s servers, events, activities and property implies accepting these rules, including all further changes. These changes might be done at any time without notice, it is your responsibility to check for them. If you have questions please call us at (661) 823-4376. You can also contact us through our email at contact@gamerhobo.com .

And please note that we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. 

     Gamer Hobo will mute/kick/ban per discretion. If you feel mistreated, contact owners or management of Gamer Hobo, and we will resolve the issue. Contact us directly at our store location in Tehachapi, or email us at conner@gamerhobo.com or angelique@gamerhobo.com